Trying to decide where to spend what little time you have away from your patients or classes to get your CME credits, you want to know that you’re going to have a worthwhile experience. We at CVI work all year long to make sure your time is well spent with use at CVI: The Operators Enclave. We asked 2023 attendees if they would recommend CVI to others. Their responses were nearly unanimously positive. Here’s what they said:
The Question: Would you recommend CVI to your colleagues or others and why?
Yes. It was a well organised event with inspiring line up of speakers and amazing presentations.
Yes. Excellent format and opportunity to gain education in both planned sessions as well as in collaboration with key thought leaders.
Yes – fantastic meeting, innovative in how things are done, great speakers, great topics
Very nice combined coronary, structural heart and PV meeting. Readily accessible faculty and auditoriums are a good size being not too large. Good panel discussions of the latest approaches
Great meeting put together very thoughtfully great education and changes my practice
Yes. It’s simply the best cardiology conference
Yes. The best conference I attend yearly
Most definitely. It was a great discussion of current research, treatments, practices, and it’s smaller, and much more personable than the huge conferences like TCT.
Yes. The conference is more intimate with many practical discussions and debates. The sharing of knowledge is valuable.
Yes, with the three different tracks available it’s easy to get information for any specialty.
Yes! excellent collaborative multidisciplinary discussions & emerging practices shared
Operator specific information and technial tips that can be translated directly to my practice! It’s invaluable.
Yes- great meeting with a lot of interaction with faculty and attendees.
Yes. Personable, clinically relevant
Yes. Great regional meeting with good content.
Absolutely- the unique format was both educational and entertaining
Yes. The educational format is unique and an exceptional learning experience
Yes, I think it was a very informative and active meeting
Yes I would highly recommend CVI as it is very educational.
Yes, I would recommend CVI to my colleagues and others. I recommend this event to those that are interested in this subject matter, also to those that already work in the cardiac field. It is also great for networking. People from all over the U.S. and abroad attend these events, they are extremely informative, enlightening and bring so much clarity to the work I do now in research.
Yes I would recommend. There’s a great balance of topics between peripheral, coronary, and structural.
Getting to hear from the operators themselves provides insight into challenging and/or interesting cases which can inspire creative problem-solving for others. And there are always innovative techniques and devices to investigate and add to the toolkit.
Yes!! Informative content, well executed and professional programming, quality accommodations
Yes, great format and good case-based teaching.
Conference is well conducted. All the important topics are covered and being all in one area is helpful.
Great sessions with cutting edge technologies used and discussed.
Yes, great discussion and lots of information regarding new protocols/standards to apply in current practice. Also numerous innovation that can help the providers and some lesson learn from difficult coronary and peripheral cases. Definitely, highly recommended for our new and expert colleagues.
Yes! A great overview and specific cases that are educational for all levels of training.
Yes, it was very informative, and I got a lot from the reps in between conferences.
Yes. As a surgeon, it is nice to hear the interventional perspective. Good collaboration and very innovative cases that are great examples to learn from.
Yes. It was a great educational conference, and it is a wonderful opportunity to connect with pioneers in interventional cardiology on a more personal level
Yes – cutting edge techniques, debate and discussions involving global KOLs on all things interventional and innovative.
Yes. Focus on case-based education, interaction with experts.”
Yes! Excellent presentation topics and style. Loved the interactive and case-based nature of cases. Great networking opportunities. And the fellows course was wonderful!!
Yes, great meeting with applicable content and format is engaging.
Yes. I really enjoyed the TED talk style template of the conference. It’s allowed for an amazing blend of various cases along with key note speakers. Additionally, the opportunity for hands on simulation with the ICE catheter was an amazing opportunity.
Yes, it was both fun and informative!
The chance to see trends in CV care and the future of CV medicine. Connecting with the world of likeminded practitioners.
Definitely, it was greatly organized, high yield topics with uptodate medicine and great world top speakers . I would definitely love to attend it again and already shared my wonderful experience with my colleagues
Yes. Very case based interactive meeting.
Definitely yes. It provides a great opportunity to get in touch with latest innovative work in cardiovascular interventions, friendly discussion of interesting cases and research abstracts. Looking forward to participate in the next version!
Sure i will. The conference is very useful and informative with a lot of interaction and sharing experiences
Sure. This is a conference, which covers all fields of interventional cardiology, widely attended by cardiologists across the world. It encourages the case presenters by arranging stay and travel with complimentary registration. There is adequate time for discussion of cases.
Yes. Wealth of knowledge shared by world-class operators.
Yes, excellent dialogue between faculty/attendees
Yes. The new TED talk format was excellent.
Yes certainly. Case based is unique. Faculty is terrific, and broader array of expertise than most conferences. colleague to colleague interaction is a real draw
Yes. Great cases, learn new techniques from large centers.
Absolutely! Podiatry and Vascular Medicine are very closely intertwined and it was a wonderful learning experience to learn as a student from a non-podiatric standpoint and I think the opposite could be said for other specialties as well.
Yes, definitely. Very well organized, the scientific content is highly relevant . The organizing committee is extremely professional. The fellow course is very useful.
Yes! It was organized and informative.
Yes, very comprehensive IC issues
Definitely recommend. Very relevant contents and more opportunities to interact with other participants. Program directors are very approachable and helpful.
Yes. Excellent conference. Clinically useful information
Absolutely! Top notch faculty and a very intimate and interactive experience.
Yes. Small intimate conference with field experts and valuable technical discussions.
Yes – because it focuses on the “how to do things” while still discussing relevant evidence. I feel that faculty are knowledgeable and have expertise in what they are talking about because they are high volume operators
Yes. Very informational, nice to be able to visit reps booths. Very organized
Yes, best CV conference. Focus on live cases , techniques and complications.
Yes, amazing amount of education in a short time
Sure! Great conference with lots of interaction amongst colleagues, and case based learning.
Excellent course. Highly recommend
Yes – awesome case-based and technical meeting, with notable breadth of subject matter and wealth of talent. Thx again for having me there! Rajiv
Yes! great case discussions
Yes, I would! It was an immersive and engaging conference that offered different tracks that anyone and everyone were able to interact with. Well organized and overall lay out of the schedule and the conference rooms. I especially enjoyed how the conference catered to and facilitated people making both personal & professional connections. I look forward to attending again soon!