Challenging Case Competition Finals
Date: 7/23/22
Moderators: William Fearon, MD and Arnold Seto, MD
Panelists: Salman Allana, MD; Farouc Jaffar, MD; Farshad Forouzandeh, MD; Evan Shlofmitz, MD; Mauricio Cohen, MD; Louis Kohl, MD
Presentations (Click title to open video in new window to that presentation):
- 0:01:26 – Case 6: Endovascular Rescue of Axillary Artery Transection After a Motor Vehicle Accident (Kyongjune Lee, MD)
- 0:10:59 – Case 1: A Big Balloon Problem (Debraj Das, MD)
- 0:20:11 – Case 2: Ostial Right Coronary Artery Chronic Total Occlusion: When do you stop? (Judit Karacsonyi, MD)
- 0:30:25 – Case 3: Erroneously Deployed, Old Ostial RCA Stent, Overhanging in the Aorta (Nirmal Kaur, MD)
- 0:40:01 – Case 4: The ‘catch’ of Left Main Stenting (Jenny Namkoong, MD)
- 0:48:52 – Case 5: Mechanical Thrombectomy of a Pacemaker-Related Subclavian Vein Thrombus (Leslie Ynalvez, MD)
- 0:56:52 – Case 7: Redo TEER in setting of Latrogenic ASD Closure (Karan Gupta, MD)
- 1:09:50 – Case 8: Novel Use of Intravascular Lithotripsy for Dilation of Interatrial Septum and Subsequent Passage of Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement (Wally Omar, MD)
Coronary Challenging Case Competition
Session: Semifinals 1
Moderators: Jerrold Grodin, MD and Mauricio Cohen, MD
Panelists: Allison Hall, MD; Houman Khalili, MD; Michael Luna, MD; Dimitri Karmpaliotis, MD
Presentations (Click title to open video in new window to that presentation):
- 0:05:44 – Ultra-Low Contrast, Rota Assisted, Impella Support Complex PCI Case (Abdullahi Oseni, MD)
- 0:17:27 – Complex High Risk Coronary Intervention with Orbital Atherectomy and Intravascular Lithotripsy (Stephen Adedokun)
- 0:29:54 – I Know it’s Emergent but Let’s Play Ping-Pong and Locate the Right Vessel (Mahesh Anantha Narayanan, MD)
- 0:43:15 – Acute Left Main Occlusion During Diagnostic Coronary Angiogram (Christopher Foth, DO)
- 0:53:54 – Primary PCI in lateral decubitus, first reported case in human. (Ahmed Elborae, MD)
- 1:14:53 – MVD in STEMI (Ahmed Kamal)
Session: Semifinals 2
Moderators: Megha Prasad, MD and Mitul Patel, MD
Panelists: Yashashvi Chugh, MD; Paul Poommipanit, MD; Salman Allana, MD
Presentations (Click title to open video in new window to that presentation):
- 0:04:02 – What Goes Around, Comes Around. Strategies For Treating A Flush Occluded Side Branch. (Salman Arain, MD)
- 0:11:51 – A True Challenge: SCAD, COVID, and Postpartum (Tori Brown, MD)
- 0:22:18 – Novel Use of Optical Coherence Tomography to Find and Deploy a Dislodged Stent Within Another Stent (Rachel Goodwin, MD)
- 0:29:05 – Worst cathlab nightmare (Bassam Hennawy, MD)
- 0:42:13 – Novel Technique for Left Main Trifurcation Intervention PCI (Seyedeh Maryam Hosseini, MD)
- 0:54:08 – Left Main Intervention: Always Make Sure Of The Results (Ahmed Kamal, MD)
- 1:07:43 – Ostial Right Coronary Artery Chronic Total Occlusion: When Do You Stop? (Judit Karacsonyi, MD)
Session: Semifinals 3
Moderators: Robert Riley, MD and Duane Pinto, MD
Panelists: Salman Arain, MD; Katherine Kunkel, MD; Kendrick Shunk, MD; Yader Sandoval, MD; Faisal Latif, MD
Presentations (Click title to open video in new window to that presentation):
- 0:01:57 – Erroneously Deployed, Old Ostial RCA Stent, Overhanging in The Aorta with Symptomatic Severe ISR, SNARED, Stented and Successfully Averted Single Vessel Bypass. (Nirmal Kaur, MD)
- 0:13:42 – A Case of a Hidden Inferolateral STEMI: Insights From OCT Imaging (Manoj Kesarwani, MD)
- 0:22:50 – Left or Right: What Is the Culprit? (Michael Kopstein, MD)
- 0:36:03 – Is it really the end of the case…. or the beginning of a nightmare? (Boon Wah Matthew Liew, MD)
- 0:46:31 – Unusual RCA dissection and propagation complicated by ventricular fibrillation (Jose Martinez-Parachini, MD)
- 1:00:40 – Iatrogenic Left Main Coronary Artery Dissection (LMCA) : The Calm after the Storm, without the beautiful sunshine (Kunal Mishra, DO)
- 1:15:30 – IVUS Guided Left Main Intervention (Dalia Marzouk, MD)
Session: Semifinals 4
Moderators: Prashant Kaul, MD and Jacqueline Saw, MD
Panelists: Louis Kohl, MD; Michael Megaly, MD, MS; Poonam Velagapudi, MD; Salman Allana, MD
Presentations (Click title to open video in new window to that presentation):
- 0:03:56 – The Use of a Dual Lumen Microcatheter to Facilitate Left Main CTO Access and Subsequent Intravascular Lithotrispy (Wally Omar, MD)
- 0:14:17 – A Tincture of Time for the Management of a Heavily Thrombotic Saphenous Vein Graft (Ankitkumar Patel, MD, MPH)
- 0:29:59 – Revealed pouch after CTO recanalization: How to defeat? (Peter Selwanos, MD)
- 0:42:56 – Multiple thrombectomy techniques and eptifibatide “marinade” in a challenging to recanalize SVG thrombotic occlusion (Bahadir Simsek, MD)
- 0:53:33 – Bifurcation Nightmare (Mina Youssef, MD)
- 1:01:59 – The ‘catch’ of Left Main Stenting (Jenny Namkoong, MD)
Peripheral Challenging Case Competition
Session: Semifinals 1
Moderators: Jun Li, MD
Panelists: Matthew Bunte, MD; Peter Monteleone, MD; and Zach Rosol, MD
Presentations (Click title to open video in new window to that presentation):
- 0:01:19 – A 35 Year Old Female with Intermittent Claudication (Dillon Gibson, MD)
- 0:11:41 – Endovascular Rescue of Axillary Artery Transection After a Motor Vehicle Accident (Kyongjune Lee, MD)
- 0:22:00 – It’s All Blocked… Where to Begin? (Mahesh Anantha Narayanan, MD, FACC)
- 0:31:11 – Stitch In Time Saves Nine: Tibial Reconstruction For Limb Salvage. (Nirmal Kaur, MD)
- 0:41:57 – Multilevel Revascularization for Limb Salvage in a Patient with Critical Hand Ischemia (Jong Kun Park, MD)
- 0:53:23 – Use of Reverse flow technique as embolic protection for SFA CTO intervention. (Qais Radaideh, MD, MS)
- 1:02:35 – A Rare Non-Fatal Case of Acute Leriche Syndrome due to Complete Aortoiliac Thrombus (Agastya Belur)
Session: Semifinals 2
Moderators: Jun Li, MD
Panelists: Shirling Tsai, MD; Matthew Bunte, MD; Peter Monteleone, MD; and Zach Rosol, MD
Presentations (Click title to open video in new window to that presentation):
- 0:00:56 – A breathtaking complication after ablation: using multi-modal imaging for timely diagnosis of acquired pulmonary vein stenosis (Joyee Tseng)
- 0:11:33 – Is Two Better than One? Rendez-Vous Technique for Peripheral CTO Crossing (McCall Walker, MD)
- 0:22:38 – Diabetes, Dialysis, Deposition of calcium – A bad Combination. Can we Call This a Bony Vessel? (Mahesh Anantha Narayanan, MD, FACC)
- 0:37:10 – Mechanical Thrombectomy of a Pacemaker-Related Subclavian Vein Thrombus Using the Penumbra Indigo System Lightening 12 (Leslie Ynalvez, MD)
Structural Challenging Case Competition
Session: Semifinals 1
Moderators: Gagan Singh, MD and Rahul Sharma, MD
Panelists: Srinivas Iyengar, MD and Lucy Safi, DO
Presentations (Click title to open video in new window to the specific section):
- 0:00:00 – Debulking of a large Tricuspid Valve Vegetation with a large bore manual aspiration system (Shehroze Akhter)
- 0:07:49 – Challenging Percutaneous Mitral valvuloplasty Cases (Osama Al Sayed, MD)
- 0:20:04 – The Curious Case of Clot in Transit Across 3 Cardiac Chambers and Novel Use of an Angiovac (Tori Brown, MD)
- 0:39:47 – Transcatheter Pulmonary and Tricuspid Valve-in- Valve Implantation to Treat Sequential Stenotic Lesions in a Septuagenarian with Tetralogy of Fallots (Yashasvi Chugh, MD)
- 0:28:46 – Management of Severe Mitral Regurgitation After Failed Surgical Mitral Valve Repair (Laith Derbas)
- 0:50:00 – Redo TEER in setting of Iatrogenic ASD Closure (Karan Gupta, MD)
- 1:04:32 – An Innovative ECMO Configuration for Refractory Hypoxemia in COVID-19-Induced ARDS (Austin Harris)
- 1:11:19 – Postinfarction Ventricular Septal Rupture after Failed PCI (Lawrence Hoang, MD)
- 1:21:38 – Tips and Tricks for Self-Expandable Valves in Patients with Challenging Anatomy: TAVR in Bicuspid Valve with Steep Tortuous Ascending Aorta (Luis Augusto Palma Dallan, MD)
Session: Semifinals 2
Moderators: Firas Zahr, MD and Gagan Singh, MD
Panelists: Rahul Sharma, MD and Jonathan Schwartz, MD
Presentations (Click title to open video in new window to that presentation):
- 0:00:00 – Transcatheter Electrocautery Facilitated Percutaneous Removal Of An Aortic Valve Fibroelastoma (Boshra Louka, MD)
- 0:10:17 – Uncrossable Intracardiac Echocardiogram Probe Through The Septum For Left Atrium Appendage Closure: Facilitating with the Snaring Technique (Luis Augusto Palma Dallan, MD)
- 0:18:49 – Snare-Assisted Late Repositioning of Transcatheter Aortic Valve and Management of Ensuing Hemodynamic Sequelae (Michael Vu, DO)
- 0:28:57 – Assessment of Aortic Valve Stenosis Severity in Severe Bradycardia (Lucas Wang)
- 0:37:05 – Valve in homograft (ViH): when 3D printer kicks in. (Edoardo Zancanaro, MD)
- 0:47:10 – Valve Selection in a Dialysis Dependent Patient (Heba Osman, MD)
- 0:55:17 – Novel Use of Intravascular Lithotripsy for Dilation of Interatrial Septum and Subsequent Passage of Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement (Wally Omar, MD)
- 1:06:37 – Redo MitraClip for Severe Mitral Regurgitation after MitraClip XTR with Partial Leaflet Detachment (Maheedhar Gedela, MD)