Coronary Challenging Case Competition: Semifinals 1
Moderators: Khaldoon Alaswad, MD and Kevin Croce, MD, PhD
Panelists: Usman Baber, MD; Allison Hall, MD; Wissam Jaber, MD; and Mitul Patel, MD
Presentations (click to open video in a new window and jump to that case presentation):
- 00:01:16 – The culprit dilemma in ACS (Bassam Hennawy, MD)
- 00:09:54 – A Case of Coronary Artery Dissection and Perforation in a Severe Three Vessel Coronary Artery Disease with Chronic Total Occlusion (Simeon Villangca, MD)
- 00:19:45 – Syncope, Is it your head or your heart? (Rafik Ibrahem, MD)
- 00:29:05 – Series of unfortunate events (Mina Youssef, MD)
- 00:43:56 – A perfect 10 – Complete Revascularisation (Rahul Potluri, MD)
- 00:57:21 – Protruded RCA Ostial stent…How to manage? (Ahmad Awad, MD)
- 01:12:44 – A non-conventional use of Carlino trick in a device-uncrossable in-stent CTO (Ahmad Abdelhamid, MD)
- 01:20:49 – Simple start, unpredictable end (George Shenoda, MD)
Coronary Challenging Case Competition: Semifinals 2
Moderators: Mazen Abu-Fadel, MD and Rhian Davies, MD
Panelists: Yashashvi Chugh, MD; Darshan Doshi, MD; Paul Poommipanit, MD; and Ashish Pershad, MD
Presentations (click to open video in a new window and jump to that case presentation):
- 00:00:36 – The difficult choice in a challenging profile: DK-Crush in a patient with achondroplasia (Peter Selwanos, MD)
- 00:11:59 – MINOCA as ACS (Mena Gamal, MD)
- 00:24:39 – Dissection or lesion? (Mina Seha)
- 00:33:55 – Easy at first then tough all through, a CTO story (Ahmed Kamal, MD)
- 00:44:10 – In CTO PCI, you should trust your instincts (Ahmed Kamal, MD)
- 00:52:38 – Rare case of ACS (Mina Shenouda, MD)
- 01:02:29 – Left main quadrifurcation and LCX CTO (Mohamed Oraby, MD)
- 01:08:56 – CTO PCI in woven anomaly (Michael Gergis, MD)
Coronary Challenging Case Competition: Semifinals 3
Moderators: Jerrold Grodin, MD and Farouc Jaffer, MD
Panelists: Mauricio Cohen, MD; Faisal Latif, MD; Konstantinos Marmagkiolis, MD; and Saroj Neupane, MD
Presentations (click to open video in a new window and jump to that case presentation):
- 00:02:30 – PTCA of LM and Left circumflex, in a patient with anomalous origin LCA from right coronary sinus (Rajeev Bhardwaj, DM)
- 00:10:16 – LIMA vs Native (Ahmed Elsayed, MD)
- 00:20:59 – Antagonizing Complications, How to deal (Mohamed Alam, MD)
- 00:30:26 – Broken, Not Bent (Katherine Lutz, MD)
- 00:41:31 – TherOx Supersaturated Oxygen Therapy for Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction (Humail Patel, MD)
- 00:50:38 – Blocking Balloon Technique to Rescue Stent Balloon Rupture Causing Acute Vessel Closure (Milan Ravishankar, MD)
- 01:03:13 – Paving the way for the tough job; a retrograde PCI for RCA CTO in a post CABG patient (Ahmad Abdelhamid, MD, PhD)
- 01:16:57 – First incident of Acute Coronary Syndrome STEMI in an 85 year old with previous CVA (Emmanuel Oduware, MD)
Coronary Challenging Case Competition: Semifinals 4
Moderators: Amit Amin, MD and Arnold Seto, MD
Panelists: Hayder Hashim, MD; Jeffrey Schussler, MD; Evan Shlofmitz, MD; and Kendrick Shunk, MD, PhD
Presentations (click to open video in a new window and jump to that case presentation):
- 00:00:22 – A Simple Complication (Sudhir Thotakura, MD)
- 00:11:56 – Chest pain after RCA to RA fistula closure: A diagnostic dilemma (Olayinka Adebolu, MD)
- 00:21:40 – Recurrent very late stent thrombosis (Ramprakash Devadoss, MD)
- 00:35:03 – Tortuous RCA, No flow and ACS (Preeti Jadhav)
- 00:44:32 – Gadolinium and Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging: A hybrid approach for coronary and graft study in patient with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (Chloe Theeuwes, MD)
- 00:53:46 – A challenging Wiring Technique: Crossing at a Steep Angle (Modar Alom, MD)
- 00:59:56 – Distorted Ostial Coronary Stent Masquerading as a Type A Aortic Dissection (Thuy Pham, DO) (Coronary Category Winner)
- 01:13:23 – Infection to Infarction: The Sneaky Culprit (Gulmohar Singh-Kucukarslan, MD)
- 01:22:14 – A Case of Impella ECP: Small Pump, Similar Protection for Complex PCI (Ankitkumar Patel, MD, MPH)
Peripheral Challenging Case Competition: Semifinals 1
Moderators: Mazin Foteh, MD and Jun Li, MD
Panelists: Matthew Bunte, MD; Bailey Estes, MSN; Aravinda Nanjundappa, MBBS, MD; Siddhartha Rao, MD; and Anand Prasad, MD
Presentations (click to open video in a new window and jump to that case presentation):
- 00:00:35 – Journey to The Center Of The Heart (Ahmed Elborae, MD)
- 00:07:02 – Femoropopliteal Pseudoaneurysm: A Rare Complication of Self-expanding Nitinol Stent Fracture (Kristopher Aten, DO)
- 00:20:20 – Sneaky Subclavian cause of post-CABG Steal Syndrome (Alexander Warner, MD)
- 00:29:48 – Stick, Snare, Shockwave, and Stent – How We Tackled Severe Bilateral Iliac Disease (Thuy Pham, DO)
- 00:38:40 – Endovascular Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction Secondary to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Associated Vasculopathy (Vijay Aaroha Kandula, MD)
- 00:52:50 – Wiring Dual-Layer Stenting Chronic Total Occlusions in Peripheral Arteries using an Astato wire: A unique Technical Report. (Modar Alom, MD)
- 01:01:51 – An unusual case of chest pain (Olayinka Adebolu, MD)
- 01:10:32 – Endovascular Intervention of Femoral-Popliteal Bypass Graft Distal In-stent Restenosis via Transradial Approach (Thuy Pham, DO)
Peripheral Challenging Case Competition: Semifinals 2
Moderators: Peter Monteleone, MD and Shirling Tsai, MD
Panelists: Matthew Bunte, MD; Mazin Foteh, MD; Aravinda Nanjundappa, MBBS, MD; Siddhartha Rao, MD; and Joji Vargese, MD
Presentations (click to open video in a new window and jump to that case presentation):
- 00:00:20 – Peripheral_No fluoroscopy, No problem. (Tara Holder, MD)
- 00:10:42 – A Novel Method to Resolve Lead Associated Venous Occlusion During EP Procedures (Amit Koduri, MD)
- 00:18:34 – Endovascular Revascularization For a Rare Case Of IVC Obstruction (Richi Kashayp, MD)
- 00:27:31 – Intravascular Ultrasound-Guided Bilateral Vertebral Artery Intervention (Rahul Sawhney, DO)
- 00:36:02 – An Unusual Case of Chronic Limb Ischemia (William Miller, MD)
- 00:47:44 – Injury of the superficial femoral artery and posterior tibial artery associated with the atherectomy device (Ahmed Abdelwahab, MD)
- 00:55:13 – Deep Vein Arterialization (DVA) (Mohammed Alghammass, MD)
- 01:05:14 – Left Brachiocephalic Vein and SVC Occlusion with Angioplasty (Rafey Feroze, MD)
- 01:14:36 – Massive Pulmonary Embolism (Rafey Feroze, MD) (Peripheral Category Winner)
- 01:24:34 – Percutaneous Intervention of Surgically Repaired Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (Samantha M. Espinosa, MD)
Structural Challenging Case Competition: Semifinals 1
Moderators: Gagan Singh, MD and Rahul Sharma, MD
Panelists: Srinivas Iyengar, MD; Timothy Mixon, MD; and Lucy Safi, DO
Presentations (click to open video in a new window and jump to that case presentation):
- 00:00:19 – TAVI using TEE guidance (Mostafa Abdrabou, MD)
- 00:07:06 – Feasibility of performing Transcatheter aortic valve intervention when no feasible access is available. (Anum Asif)
- 00:15:42 – Device closure of left coronary sinus to coronary sinus fistula (Rajeev Bhardwaj, DM)
- 00:23:15 – Incomplete Expansion of a Self-Expanding TAVR Device Leading to Hemodynamic collapse (Rajendra Shah, MD)
- 00:30:59 – Multiview Coronary Angiography To Determine Coronary Protection During ViV-TAVR (Ali Alsaad, MD)
- 00:44:34 – Leading the Way (Nahyr Lugo-fagundo, MD)
- 00:51:20 – When Less Is More: Annular Rupture During Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (Luis Augusto Palma Dallan, MD)
- 01:04:31 – A Challenging case of Transcatheter Aortic Valve in Valve in Freestyle Aortic Valve as a Bridge to a Redo Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement (Mohammed Salih, MD)
- A ticking Time Bomb: Cardiac Mass with Pulmonary and Systemic Embolization (Osama Alsayed, MD)
Structural Challenging Case Competition: Semifinals 2
Moderators: William Shi, MD and Firas Zahr, MD
Panelists: Rahul Sharma, MD and Jonathan Schwartz, MD
Presentations (click to open video in a new window and jump to that case presentation):
- 00:00:50 – TAVR in Mitral Position (Weston McCowan, MD)
- 00:11:23 – A Complex TMVR Valve-in-Valve Case (Kishor Khanal, MD)
- 00:22:00 – Hypoxia in Interatrial Shunting and the Diagnostic Challenge (Syed Zamrak Khan, MD)
- 00:30:25 – Valve in Tendyne: First case of Tendyne outer frame degeneration. (Edoardo Zancanaro, MD) (Structural Category Winner)
- 00:38:47 – Somebody Pass the Duct Tape: Mitral Valve Repair with MitraClip and Plug (Alexander Sullivan, MD)
- 00:48:17 – Pacemaker Wire Manipulation for Tricuspid TEER (Konstantinos Voudris, MD, PhD)
- 01:02:10 – Hybrid Treatment of a Dehisced Bioprosthetic Valve and Large Pseudoaneurysm (Daniel Johnsrud, MD)
- 01:13:26 – Structural_Mitral Valve Vegetation Angiovac Aspiration (Ayman Fath, MD)
Cardiovascular Innovations Case Competition Finals
Moderators: Jun Li, MD and Shirling Tsai, MD
Panelists: Subhash Banerjee, MD; Emmanouil Brilakis, MD, PhD; Mehdi Shishehbor, DO, MPH, PhD; and Paul Sorajja, MD
Presentations (click to open video in a new window and jump to that case presentation):
- 00:00:19 – Coronary Case 1: Series of unfortunate events (Mina Youssef, MD)
- 00:11:22 – Coronary Case 2: CTO PCI in woven anomaly (Michael Gergis, MD)
- 00:18:22 – Coronary Case 3: Blocking Balloon Technique to Rescue Stent Balloon Rupture Causing Acute Vessel Closure (Milan Ravishankar, MD)
- 00:26:38 – Coronary Case 4: Distorted Ostial Coronary Stent Masquerading as a Type A Aortic Dissection (Thuy Pham, DO) (Coronary Category Winner)
- 00:36:00 – Peripheral Case 1: Massive Pulmonary Embolism (Rafey Feroze, MD) (Peripheral Category Winner)
- 00:44:48 – Peripheral Case 2: Stick, Snare, Shockwave, and Stent – How We Tackled Severe Bilateral Iliac Disease (Thuy Pham, DO)
- 00:52:36 – Structural Case 1: Feasibility of performing Transcatheter aortic valve intervention when no feasible access is available. (Anum Asif)
- 01:02:10 – Structural Case 2: Valve in Tendyne: First case of Tendyne outer frame degeneration. (Edoardo Zancanaro, MD) (Structural Category Winner)