CHIP Part 1: Left Main and Bifurcation PCI
Moderators: Amit Amin, MD and Vladimir Dzavik, MD
Panelists: Hayder Hashim , MD; Kathleen Kearney, MD; Louis Kohl, MD; Daniel Kolansky, MD; Paul Poommipanit, MD; and Jeffrey Schussler, MD
Presentations (Click title to open video in new window to that presentation):
- 00:00:39 – Year in Review: Left Main and Bifurcation PCI (Vladimir Dzavik, MD)
- 00:15:59 – LM/Bifurcation Case 1 (Yashashvi Chugh, MD)
- 00:27:33 – LM/Bifurcation Case 2 (Faisal Latif, MD)
- 00:48:36 – LM/Bifurcation Case 3 (Robert Stoler, MD)
- 01:03:06 – LM/Bifurcation Case 4: My Worst Case of the Year (Jason Wollmuth, MD)
- 01:25:38 – LM/Bifurcation Case 5: My Best Case of the Year (Mauricio Cohen, MD)